RYA Cymru Wales' Big Weekend / Penwythnos Nawr
Plas Menai, National Outdoor Centre for Wales / Canolfan Awyr Agored Cenedlaethol Awyr Agored Cymru
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October, 2023 / Dydd Sadwrn & dydd Sul y 14/15fed o Hydref 2023
Location/Lleoliad: Llanfairisgaer, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. LL55 1UE
Society is changing and so are our sports. Whether that is a new technology - like wings, foils and remote-control race marks; our customers / members and the rise of pay-to-play or the surge in other watersports - like open water swimming and stand up paddleboarding.
The Big Weekend will help you to explore the changes and to understand what they mean to you, your club or your centre. To experiment and try out responses that can make the most of these changes and to equip yourself with some new qualifications that will help you navigate this future effectively.
The weekend will have a blend of plenary sessions for all along with options for on the water or dry activities. Registration will open at 09:00 on Saturday with a 10:00 start. The Big Weekend will finish at 15:00 on Sunday.
The cost is £25 per person per day including lunch. Book both days and you will be entitled to a free supper!
RYA CW has organised discounted rate of £41.40 per person for Bed & Breakfast at Plas Menai, if required. Please contact Plas Menai direct on 0300 300112 or by email quoting discount code BIGWEEKEND
Mae cymdeithas yn newid ac felly hefyd ein campau. Boed hynny'n dechnoleg newydd - fel adenydd, ffoils a marciau hil rheoli o bell; ein cwsmeriaid / aelodau a'r cynnydd mewn chwaraeon dŵr eraill - fel nofio dŵr agored a padlfyrddio.
Bydd y Penwythnos Mawr yn eich helpu i archwilio'r newidiadau a deall beth maen nhw'n ei olygu i chi, eich clwb neu'ch ganolfan. I arbrofi a rhoi cynnig ar ymatebion a all wneud y mwyaf o'r newidiadau hyn ac i arfogi eich hun hefo rhai or cymwysterau newydd a fydd yn eich helpu i lywio'r dyfodol yn effeithiol.
Bydd gan y penwythnos gyfuniad o sesiynau llawn i bawb ynghyd ag opsiynau ar gyfer gweithgareddau ar ydŵr neu ar y lan. Bydd cofrestru yn agor am 09:00 dydd Sadwrn gyda'r Penwythnos Mawr yn cychwyn am 10:00. ac yn gorffen am 15:00 ddydd Sul.
Mae'n costio £25 y person y dydd, gan gynnwys cinio. Archebwch y ddau ddiwrnod a bydd gennych hawl i gael swper am ddim!
Mae RYACW wedi trefnu cyfradd ostyngedig o £41.40 y pen ar gyfer Gwely a Brecwast ym Mhlas Menai, os oes angen. Cysylltwch â Plas Menai yn uniongyrchol ar 0300 300112 neu drwy e-bost gan ddyfynnu cod disgownt BIGWEEKEND
Agenda for the weekend:

NOTE: If you are 25 or under please use the code RYACW20 for a 20% discount!
If you're an RYA member, if you bring your membership card or number with you on the day you will receive a free mug and notebook!
Please click on the button below to begin registration / Cliciwch ar y botwm isod i ddechrau cofrestru.
Bookings close Tuesday 10th October. If you wish to attend after this time please email Hester on hester.walker@ryacymruwales.org.uk